Project information.
AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca) award an industrial doctorate grant to TR2Lab and Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic (HUSC) for developing the doctoral project of the doctoral student Helena Sureda focus on dependency-related injuries and patients fragility. Project Original Title (catalan): “Estudi prospectiu de determinació coordinada del risc de patir una úlcera per pressió i el grau de fragilitat com a possibles indicadors predictius d’aparició de lesions relacionades amb la dependència”.
The essential element of the industrial doctorate process is the research project carried out at the Hospital Universitari Santa Creu de Vic, where the doctoral student Helena Sureda will further develop their research training in collaboration with a research center TR2Lab developing her doctoral thesis project.
The industrial doctorates act as a bridge for knowledge transfer and encourage closer ties between the Catalan industry, universities, and research centers. Therefore, this award will be a great opportunity to consolidate the research alliance between TR2Lab and the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic.
Principal Investigator: Marta Otero Viñas
Research Team: Helena Sureda Vidal
Funded by: AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca) from the Generalitat de Catalunya. (2019DI054)
Period: 2020-2022
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