The Clinical Wound Unit of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic organized a meeting to present the last technical document of GNEAUPP (Grupo Nacional para el Estudio de Úlceras Por Presión y Heridas Crónicas) about the new system of classification and categorization of the wounds related to the dependency. This workshop was oriented to the nursing and medical care staff. Ms. Dolors Almirall Solsona, a nurse of the Hospital Universitari de Vic and a member of the group of SISO of wounds, took charge of explaining this document which had been presented for the first time in the Rioja Forum in Logroño.

Clasificación-categorización de las lesiones relacionadas con la dependencia.

Documento técnico GNEAUPP nºII Clasificación-categorización de las lesiones relacionadas con la dependencia

In 2014 a new theoretical nursing model was born about the classification of wounds which was published in Gerokomos. This new model included not only on the causal mechanisms on the pressure ulcers (UPP) but also on the seven types of lesions other than UPP that they called dependence-related lesions (LRD). This new paradigm proposed by the authors allowing differentiation between pressure ulcers and other lesions. An update of this new approach to correctly identify the UPP was presented on the last GNEAUPP meeting 2016 in Logroño and it has been the basis of this workshop of the Clinical Wound Unit of TR2Lab.

The workshop recently organized by the Clinical Wound Unit had two parts, the first one focused on explaining the details and applications of the new clinical guidelines, and to clarify some doubts from the audience. The second part of the workshop was structured as a game using an app to assess the knowledge acquired during the session and to evaluate the utility of these type of workshops for updating knowledge in wound care of the local professionals.