Ruth Vilardell

Ruth Vilardell has received the second award of Vicenç Fisas i Comella

AWARD Principal Investigator: Ruth Vilardell Research Team: Ph.D. Ester Goutan (Thesis Degree supervisor) Funded by: La Fundació La Farga Period: 2021 On November 29th, Ruth Vilardell received from La Fundació La Farga the second award “Vicenç Fisas i Comella”, instituted to support excellent thesis degree project. With [...]

Rut Vilardell, TR2Lab student, defends her final thesis degree

We are so proud that Rut Vilardell Galobart, a TR2Lab member during this academic year, successfully defended her final degree thesis on June 7th. Rut Vilardell developed her Final Thesis Degree project (original title) “Grau de coneixement i satisfacció dels pacients diabèics tipus 2 d'Osona amb el seu tractament farmacològic: [...]

Ruth Vilardell joins TR2Lab

Welcome Ruth, a newest undergraduate student of the TR2Lab! Ruth Vilardell is in his fourth year of Nursing degree at the University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia. Currently, under the supervision of Ph.D Marta Ferrer, he is participating in an internship program at TR2Lab investigating about the level of [...]

2020-10-09T21:33:16+02:00October 9, 2020|2020, Ruth Vilardell|
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