Projects 2022

CHV 2021 awards the article Assessment of frailty in elderly patients attending a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study

Last September 21, the new academic year of the CHV started, coinciding with the presentation of awards for research articles, of which the article presented by some TR2Lab members was awarded: Assessment of frailty in elderly patients assisting a multidisciplinary wound care center: a cohort study, as the [...]

The big challenge of determining the vitality of perimortem trauma in Forensic Anthropology. A histopathological and immunohistochemical investigation (HistoBreak)

GRANT Original Title (idioma): "The big challenge of determining the vitality of perimortem trauma in Forensic Anthropology. A histopathological and immunohistochemical investigation (HistoBreak)." Principal Investigador: Xavier Jordana Comín TR2Lab research team members: Francesc Sant, Carmen Vergara, Noelia de la Torre Funded by: Proyectos Generación Conocimiento, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio [...]


GRANT Original Title (Catalan): Projecte EHECADI (European Health Care Final Disertation) Principal Investigador: Ester Goutan Roura Research team members: Elisabet Dachs Cabanes and Marta Otero Viñas from TR2Lab and other investigators from the research groups. Funded by: Erasmus + KH2 Cooperation partnerships in higher education. Period: 2022-2025 [...]

Study of long bone fractures by firearm projectile.

GRANT Original Title (Catalan): Estudi de les fractures d'os llarg per projectil d'arma de foc Principal Investigator: Xavier Jordana Comín Research Team: Joan Ignasi Galtés Vicente and María Luisa Ortega Sánchez. Funded by: Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, Departament de Justícia, Generalitat de Catalunya Period: 2022 [...]

VI Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Advanced treatments for complex wound

GRANT Principal Investigator: Marta Otero Research Team: Laia Bosch, Elisabet Dachs, Anna Dalmau, Ester Goutan, Núria Obradors, Montserrat Serra, Elisabet Sarri, Marta Casals, Xavier Jordana, Marta Ferrer, Montse Capellas, Clara Masó, Verónica Salgado, Mireia Bosch, Joan Fernández, Óscar Pérez Funded by: Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya [...]

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