Projects 2018

  • Beca Consultori Bayés

Anna Torné, TR2Lab PhD student, has obtained a second prize from the Beca Consultori Bayés. This prize will contribute to the development of her doctoral thesis.

GRANT. Project information. Anna Torné, TR2Lab PhD student, has obtained a second prize from the Beca Consultori Bayés. This prize will contribute to the development of her doctoral thesis. Original Title: "Avaluació de la fragilitat i l’impacte dels processos intercurrents com a predictos de resultats de salut en les persones amb [...]

A scientific article of the TR2Lab’s research team is awarded a prize in the XXXVI edition of “Premis Sanitat Osona” 2018

AWARD. Project information. Original Title: Hydrosurgery as a safe and efficient debridement method in a clinical wound unit practice. Research Team: M. Ferrer-Sola, H. Sureda-Vidal, J. Altimiras-Roset, E. Fontsere-Candell, V. Gonzalez-Martinez, J. Espaulella-Panicot, V. Falanga, M. Otero-Viñas. Funded by: XXXVI edition of "Premis Sanitat Osona" Period: 2018    

  • SGR 2018

TR2Lab has been recognized as an Emergent research group (SGE) by the SGR2017 Catalonia Government

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has been recognized as an Interinstitutional Emergent research group (SGE) in the SGR2017 call of the  Catalonia Government. The purpose of this grants is to support research groups (SGR) that develop research in Catalonia in the different scientific areas with the aim of boosting their activity [...]

Study of the effect of metalloprotein levels in mitochondrial metabolism in the context of the wound healing process.

GRANT. Project information. Mariola Cano Sanchez obtained a predoctoral grant for developing her doctoral thesis. Original Title (french): "Etude de l'effet des niveaux de métalloprotéines dans le métabolisme mitochondriale dans le contexte du processus de cicatrisation de plaies". Principal Investigador: Mariola Cano Sánchez Thesis supervisor: Marta Otero Viñas Funded by: [...]

Dissecting the specific contribution of Sirtuin ADP-ribosyltransferse and deacetylase activities in tumorigenesis.

GRANT. Project information. Laia Bosch-Presegué participates in grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Principal Investigador: Alejandro Vaquero TR2Lab research team members: Laia Bosch-Presegué. Funded by: World Wide Cancer Research Period: 2018

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