Joan Espaulella Panicot 2012

Evaluation of the implementation of autologous growth factors in wounds

PRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. Ferrer-Sola M, Espaulella-Panicot J, Clapera-Cros J, Fontserè-Candell E, Soldevilla-Agreda JJ, Otero-Viñas M. Evaluación de la aplicación de factores de crecimiento autólogos en heridas. IX Simposio Nacional sobre Úlceras por Presión y Heridas Crónicas, Sevilla (Spain), Nov 2012.  

Factores asociados al estado funcional en personas de 75 o más años de edad no dependientes.

ARTICLE. Arnau A, Espaulella J, Serrarols M, Canudas J, Formiga F, Ferrer M. Gac Sanitar.2012;26(5):405-413. Abstract. Objectives: To identify the factors associated with functional status in a population aged ≥ 75 years without severe dependence. Methods: A cross-sectional study of a random sample (n = 315) of elderly persons in a [...]

Potentially inappropriate medication on admission to a medium-stay unit according to STOPP and START criteria

ARTICLE. Sevilla-Sanchez D, Espaulella-Panicot J, de Andrés-Lázaro AM, Torres-Allepuz R, Soldevila-Llagostera M, Codina-Jané C. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol 2012;47(4):155-157. Abstract. Introduction: In older people some drugs are classified as potentially inappropriate and some tools have been developed to help to prescribe correctly, such as the "Screening Tool of Older Persons' [...]

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