Helena Sureda Vidal

  • CIB2018, Jesús Rebull, PRP

Jesús Rebull Bramon gave an oral communication at VI Congreso de Investigación Biomédica (CIB 2018)

Jesús Rebull Bramon, attended the VI Congreso de Investigación Biomédica (CIB 2018) in València, 6, 7 and 8 february. This congress aims to be a meeting point between science, biomedical research and critical thinking; and at the same time, serve as a complementary training tool for undergraduate students. In the [...]

6th World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day

Recently, the Wound Commission of the Fundació Hospital Santa Creu de Vic has carried out a training program on the occasion of the 6th World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day for new nursing professionals. Some of the outstanding training activities, related with the research developed in the research line in [...]

Hydrosurgery as a safe and efficient debridement method in a clinical wound unit.

ARTICLE. Ferrer-Sola M, Sureda-Vidal H, Altimiras-Roset J, Fontsere-Candell E, Gonzalez-Martinez V, Espaulella-Panicot J, Falanga V, Otero-Viñas M. J Wound Care. 2017 Oct 2;26(10):593-599. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.10.593. Abstract. OBJECTIVE: Hydrosurgical debridement allows removal of non-viable tissue, preserving healthy tissues. This study was designed to analyse whether hydrosurgery, used in a clinical wounds unit, is [...]


Helena Sureda has obtained a grant in the PERIS 2016

GRANT. Project information. RN. Helena Sureda has obtained a grant from the "Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut" (PERIS) 2016-2020", in the modality of nursing research intensification. Original Title: "Validació assistencial d’un nou sistema digital d’alta resolució per a la mesura i seguiment de les ferides". Principal Investigator: [...]

Clinical Wound Unit of Vic, the founding partner of TR2Lab, brings the latest advances in wound healing to the local professionals

The Clinical Wound Unit of the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic organized a meeting to present the last technical document of GNEAUPP (Grupo Nacional para el Estudio de Úlceras Por Presión y Heridas Crónicas) about the new system of classification and categorization of the wounds related to [...]

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