Helena Sureda Vidal

V Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Update on the wound infection

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for organizing the fifth workshop in wound care. Original Title (catalan): "Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides 2020. La infecció: de la valoració al tractament tòpic i al sistèmic" Principal Investigador: Marta Otero Viñas Research Team: Laia Bosch Presegué, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Anna [...]

Helena Sureda Presents at 1st workshop of geriatric nurses: incidence of pressure ulcer at an intermediate care center

Very proud of doctoral Student Helena Sureda for the advances in her doctoral project presented at 1st workshop of geriatric nurses organized by Col·legi Infermeres de Barcelona. 29 November 2019. Helena Sureda presented preliminary results of her Ph.D. project. Title of the oral communication: “Preparation of a risk map for [...]

Helena Sureda presented preliminary results at meeting of wound experts of GNEAUPP

Very proud of the doctoral student Helena Sureda Vidal for the advances in her doctoral project presented at 9º Encuentro Nacional de Comisiones de Ulceras por Presión y Heridas, 1º encuentro de Unidades-Clínicas de Heridas de EPA y Enfermeras Consultoras en Heridas, La Rioja 20-22 November 2019. Helena Sureda presented [...]

Helena Sureda has obtained a grant in the PERIS 2019

GRANT. Project information. RN. Helena Sureda has obtained a grant from the "Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut" (PERIS) 2019-2020", in the modality of nursing research intensification. Original Title (catalan): "“Estudi de la relació entre l’escala de Braden, l’índex de fragilitat i les lesions relacionades amb la dependència [...]

Ceremony of delivery of grants of the “pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS) 2019-2021

Helena Sureda, TR2Lab member, attended the ceremony of delivery of grants of the “Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut (PERIS) 2019-2021”. A total of 207 projects have been presented, only 66 have been selected to receive funding. Sureda, a nurse at the University Hospital of the Santa Creu [...]

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