
Oozing: An accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering

Oozing: An accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering Authors: Juan Crespo Santiago, Luis M. Delgado, Rafa Madariaga, Laia Millan, Oriol Chico, Pau Oliver, Román Pérez, Marta Otero Viñas Abstract Tissue-engineered constructs require mimicking the extracellular matrix microenvironment of native tissue [...]

Welcome Toni!

Antoni Parcerisas Mosqueda Member of Research Line in Neuronal plasticity in Health and disease E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-3204-9285 Scientific Profile: URECERCA Brain training mechanisms are crucial to understanding the processes involved in signal transduction, memory and learning. His research [...]

2024-11-15T10:40:30+01:00November 5, 2023|General|

EHECADI Project at the Research Night

What about addressing Health and Societal Needs through an International Final Degree Dissertation? Ester Goutan (member of the TR2Lab) and Júlia Casacuberta, presented the EHECADI project at the Research Night with a dissemination video. Link vídeo:

Clara Masó Albareda presented two oral communications at GNEAUPP national symposium 2023

Clara Masó, a member of the TR2Lab, presented two oral communications at the XIV  National Symposium on Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Wounds (GNEAUPP), celebrated in Burgos, Spain on 24-26 may, 2023. The title of the first oral communication given by Clara Masó was “Application of hyper ozonated fatty [...]

TR2Lab Members Teach Chronic Wounds Course at Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa

Marta Ferrer, Joan Enric Torra, and Clara Masó members of TR2Lab participated as a professor in the course “Treatment of Patients with Chronic Wounds”, at Fundació Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa, Catalonia, Spain which has had five classes of four hours each: First class. General concepts [...]

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