Engineering design & living systems Research Line

  • aei_cluster


GRANT Original Title (English): “3D BONE BIOTEC” Reference: AEI-010500-2024-18 PI: Juan Crespo Santiago Participants: ELISAVA UVIC-UCC, Fundació CIM UPC, PERDIGÓ, DAN*NA, Cluster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya, Cluster CataloniaBio & HealthTech. Funded by: Ministerio de Industria y Turismo A research project that will generate algorithm-aided designed human bone models suitable to [...]

Oozing: An accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering

Oozing: An accessible technique to create 3D-printed scaffolds suitable for tissue engineering Authors: Juan Crespo Santiago, Luis M. Delgado, Rafa Madariaga, Laia Millan, Oriol Chico, Pau Oliver, Román Pérez, Marta Otero Viñas Abstract Tissue-engineered constructs require mimicking the extracellular matrix microenvironment of native tissue [...]

  • utility human

Utility of human epididymis protein 4 in the differential diagnosis of ascites

Utility of human epididymis protein 4 in the differential diagnosis of ascites Authors: Silvia Bérgamo , Jaume Trapé , Laura González García , Carolina González Fernández , Carme Vergara , Noelia de la Torre , Glòria Trujillo , Dolors Estivill , Marco Antonio Álvarez González , Laia Bosch [...]

Phygital Human Bone

GRANT Original Title (English): “Phygital Human Bone.” Reference: 2023 LLAV 00055 Principal Investigador: Marta Otero Viñas TR2Lab research team members: Juan Crespo Santiago Xavier Jordana Comín Funded by: AGAUR – Generalitat de Catalunya Biotechnological and biomedical fields frequently use biological bones for their significant representation of living [...]

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