Elisabet Sarri Plans

Ester Goutan presents a short talk at the Workshop “Teaching Innovation Workshop 2017. Rethinking the TFG / TFM in the framework of our degrees”

Ester Goutan,  a member of TR2Lab, has attended the "Teaching Innovation Workshop 2017. Rethinking the Degree/Master Thesis in our curriculums"(original title: JID 2017. Repensant els TFG/TFM en el marc de les nostres titulacions). During this Teaching innovation Workshop at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia which has [...]

Jorge Garcia Garcia defends his final degree project in mechanisms and tissue regeneration field

Jorge Garcia defends his degree thesis Congratulations to Jorge, on his successful degree thesis defense. On june 19th, Jorge Garcia Garcia, became graduate on Biotechnology at UVic-UCC after defending his final degree project that he developed in the TR2Lab. The final degree project, entitled "Strategies for decellularization of pig arteries in [...]

  • Biomedicine

Biomedical experimentation for high school students

The TR2Lab offers a second edition of the workshop on experimental biomedicine addressed to high school students. The research methodologies in the field of experimental sciences and, in particular, of biomedicine are constantly changing these days. This makes difficult for the high schools to perform experimental activities with the newly [...]

II Workshop in biomedical scientific techniques for high school students

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for promoting scientific vocations to high school students Original Title: Taller científic en tècniques biomèdiques per a estudiants de batxillerat Principal Investigador: Marta Otero-Viñas Research Team: Elisabet Sarri-Plans, Luís Agulló Rueda, Montserrat Masoliver Prieto, Ester Goutan Roura Funded by: Ajuts de divulgació [...]

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