School students

Concludes the third edition of the Biomedicina Educativa conferences, “How to incorporate new scientific advances in biomedicine into the classroom”

On March 29th, the third edition of the conference series "How to incorporate new scientific advances in biomedicine into classrooms" concluded, framed within the "Biomedicina Educativa" project. This program aims to inspire scientific vocations oriented towards addressing current and future challenges in the field of health and biomedical [...]

Verónica Salgado did an oral communication at “Institut Taradell”

On 2nd February, the PhD student of the group Verónica Salgado, went to "Institut Taradell" to give a talk to the center's first-year highschool students. Verónica explained her academic career, as well as the keys and guidelines for doing a good research project as part of her thesis project [...]

Marta Otero did an oral communication at ‘Institut La Plana’

On 5th December, the director of the group Marta Otero, coordinator of mechanism of tissue repair and regeneration research line, gave a conference to students coursing the 4th year of the secondary school of the scientific curricular itinerary from "Institut La Plana" about research in biomedicine and [...]

Up to 190 high school students from Osona and Vallès Occidental have attended the Biomedicine Workshops offered by TR2Lab within the UVIC-UCC

One more time the research group in Tissue Repair and Regeneration (TR2Lab) of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences of Central Catalonia (IRIS-CC) since last July, has successfully organized the Biomedicine Workshops for high school students in the Biosciences laboratories of the Faculty of Science, Technology, [...]

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