Elisabet Dachs Cabanas 2019

V Workshop in care for chronic wounds. Update on the wound infection

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for organizing the fifth workshop in wound care. Original Title (catalan): "Jornada d’Atenció a les Ferides 2020. La infecció: de la valoració al tractament tòpic i al sistèmic" Principal Investigador: Marta Otero Viñas Research Team: Laia Bosch Presegué, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Anna [...]

V Workshop in biomedical scientific techniques for high school students

GRANT. Project information. TR2Lab has obtained a grant for promoting scientific vocations to high school students. Original Title (catalan): "Taller científic en tècniques biomèdiques per a estudiants de batxillerat" Principal Investigator: Marta Otero Viñas Research Team: Elisabet Sarri Plans, Luís Agulló Rueda, Laia Bosch Pressegué, Elisabet Dachs Cabanas, Anna Dalmau [...]

TR2Lab creates a new research line in Applied Epigenetics

Proud to create a new research line focused on Applied Epigenetics. Epigenetics is a very new science that studies changes in the genome marks that do not imply a change in the DNA sequence but that can be transmitted between generations. These marks are known as epigenetic marks and have [...]

Colloquium lecture “Pessics de Ciència”

From the TR2Lab commitment to science dissemination, 0n May 28, the PhDs Elisabet Dachs Cabanas and Laia Bosch-Presegué participated in a scientific dissemination conference at the Cafè del Teatre de l’Escorxador in the City of Lleida, within the "Pessics de Ciència" program, that organizes several talks throughout of the year. [...]

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