OPEN CALLS. TR2Lab opens new calls for doctoral positions.

OPEN CALLS. TR2Lab opens new calls for doctoral positions. If you are looking for a good lab to develop your scientific skills, at TR2Lab you’ll have the chance to carry out a stimulating research in a high-quality and interdisciplinary environment. We welcome applications from national and international PhD candidates from very [...]

2019-09-30T18:04:35+02:00September 30, 2019|2019, General|

Helena Sureda has obtained a grant in the PERIS 2019

GRANT. Project information. RN. Helena Sureda has obtained a grant from the "Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut" (PERIS) 2019-2020", in the modality of nursing research intensification. Original Title (catalan): "“Estudi de la relació entre l’escala de Braden, l’índex de fragilitat i les lesions relacionades amb la dependència [...]

Congrats Marta Cullell for her project presentation at EBSA meeting

Very proud of doctoral Student Marta Cullell for the advances in her doctoral project presented at the European Biophysics Congress (12th EBSA 10th ICBP-IUPAP Congress), Madrid 20-24 July 2019. Cullell presented preliminary results of her Ph.D. project. Title of the poster communication "Exploring the role of integrin glycosylation in wound [...]

Anna Dalmau Joins TR2Lab

Proud to incorporate Anna Dalmau Roda as a new member of the TR2Lab. Welcome, Anna Dalmau, who joins to TR2Lab as the academic officer of our research program that gives to students' opportunities to be exposed to scientific experiences. In addition, she will collaborate in several projects of the research line of Mechanisms of tissue repair [...]

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