Marta Casals presented an oral communication original titled “Abordatge integral en un pacient amb úlcera per pressió al taló” (1) at the IV Workshop in Wound Healing, celebrated in Vic, Catalonia, on May 24, 2019.

This communication discusses how important it is to make a global assessment of a patient who suffers a wound, as well as to individualize treatment and care in each case and at all times. In addition to the wound, it is necessary to assess the patient’s overall clinical situation, as well as their surroundings, 
to be able to choose the best possible treatment option. This is a decision made jointly between the care team and the patient and family, to the extent possible.

In this way, the patient takes an active role in decision-making related to their care plan.

Congratulations Marta for such excellent achievement!

“Abordatge integral en un pacient amb úlcera per pressió al taló”. Marta Casals Zorita (1)(2). Manoli Moruno Sanchez (1), Helena Sureda Vidal (1)(2), Fina Clapera Cros (1)(2). (1) Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic. (2) Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory (TR2Lab).