Des de FutureLearn ens avisen d’aquests nous cursos en anglès:
Cursos programats
- In the Night Sky: Orion, The Open University
- Introduction to Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde
- Elements of Renewable Energies, The Open University
- Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions, University of Exeter
- Managing People: Engaging Your Workforce, University of Reading
- Make an Impact: Sustainability for Professionals, University of Bath
- Exploring English: Language and Culture, British Council
- Water for Liveable and Resilient Cities, Monash University
Cursos que acaben de començar
- Begin Programming: Build Your First Mobile Game, University of Reading
- The Secret Power of Brands, University of East Anglia
- Football: More than a Game, The University of Edinburgh
- Innovation and Enterprise, Loughborough University
- World War 1: Aviation Comes of Age, University of Birmingham
Cursos que comencen la setmana entrant
- Exploring Our Oceans, University of Southampton
- How to Read Your Boss, The University of Nottingham
- Liver Disease: Looking After Your Liver, University of Birmingham
- Start Writing Fiction, The Open University
- World War 1: Changing Faces of Heroism, University of Leeds
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