SPRING was formed in 2021 and brings together international scholars in an informal context who wish to share and develop their research interests in the Sport and Politics subject area. Its activities are based on the following Mission Statement. The concept grew out of the Sport and Politics Group’s inaugural international conference, hosted by the University of Vic in June 2017, followed by the subsequent publication of an edited volume entitled ‘Sport, Globalisation and Identity’, published by Routledge in October 2019, which took its inspiration from the main themes of the conference.
1) To create a forum for an international group of scholars, together with Sports Journalists and practitioners who are interested in developing their academic and research portfolios, to engage in a range of collaborative activities and outputs in Sport and Politics and related subject areas.
2) To host conferences, events, symposia, webinars, and workshops through the active participation of scholars and institutions within the group.
3) SPRING seeks to collaborate on research projects, published outcomes, teacher exchanges and curriculum development activities to enhance the output of the group.
4) To encourage and promote an open membership from interdisciplinary scholars and other interested parties in the field, including postgraduate and early career academics.
5) SPRING aims to promote collaboration and partnerships between academia, government, business, sport organisations, and wider civil society.
6 To facilitate the opportunity at SPRING events for participants and panels to present their work in languages other than English.
7) SPRING aims to develop and maintain a regular and coordinated communications strategy for the group, including a specialist website, newsletters and online discussion forums to promote and reflect on the group’s activities.
8) To create and implement a structure for SPRING which is commensurate with diversity, inclusion and transparency.
9) To evoke ‘The Spirit of Vic 2017’ in SPRING’s future growth and development, with the aim of making a positive and stimulating contribution to the global academic community. The group wishes to capture and build on the informal and positive atmosphere witnessed by all who attended the conference at Vic in June 2017 in the hope that it will help define the future activities of SPRING.