Watching the closing remarks unfold in the Aula Magna at the University of Malaga on the sun- kissed afternoon of Friday, February 21st, a silent tear rolled down my cheek: I cannot explain why. Was it a sense of inner pride bursting out into watery eyes as I reflected on how the third SPRING conference had startled, entranced and entertained close to one hundred delegates, guest speakers, friends and colleagues on Spain’s southern shore and the historic city of Malaga? Was it because I had witnessed SPRING grow from an ‘inner sanctum’ of a few like-minded souls into a vibrant academic forum with more than eighty members from the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Spain, Russia. China, the United States and Latin America? Or was it that Sport, in all its multiple facets, always plays with the heart in its emotional appeal?

Speaking with colleagues, I used the image of SPRING being a plasma, to define it as an organic force, moving like a satellite from place to place every two years, bringing together researchers, collaborators, speakers, and practitioners to present and discuss their projects, their interests and passion for sport. The plasma continually develops, as SPRING innovates, debates and evolves its understanding of the Sport and Politics axis.

The University of Malaga was so special in its hosting of SPRING 25. Professor Gema Lobillo and her superb team in the Faculty of Communication provided a wonderful setting and context for an eclectic range of keynote speakers, panels and panellists in English and Spanish, presenting on football, rugby, tennis, golf and other sports, whilst delving into the thorny, complex issues surrounding contemporary sport, including Sportswashing, the role of Social and Digital Media in the representation of sport, and Governance and Regulation. The discussion flowed convivially and openly, seldom failing to be informed and passionate. The positive spirit generated by the conference took us all to the essence of why the eternal manifestations of the relationship between Sport and Politics continues to inspire and intrigue.

Walking through the historic centre of Malaga the day after the conference, casting a nod in the direction of Picasso, as the old streets thronged to the sounds of the Tower of Babel, I relived the passion and emotion of the captivating performance at the Alegria Flamenco Restaurant after the conference dinner. The tradition still smoulders down the declension of the centuries:  The flame still burns. Across the city at La Roselada, on the Friday evening, a sprinkling of delegates saw the vibrant passion of the supporters of Malaga FC, shedding off their ultra skin, to inspire their team to defeat Tenerife FC in the Spanish Second Division.

Tradition, Passion, Sport and Academia blended with friendship and the sharing of knowledge across these Malaga days: SPRING 25 will surely generate scholarly outcomes in the coming months before the plasma re – emerges, in the shape of SPRING 27, in another university, town and city. The challenge is to follow Vic, Lille, Birkbeck and Malaga in taking SPRING and its members forward on its journey

Jim O’Brien, Co- Founder, SPRING, March 2025