Artículos de interés:
  • Bahr, Roald & Alfredson, Håkan & Järvinen, Markku & Järvinen, Tero & Khan, Karim & Kjaer, Michael & Matheson, Gordon & Mæhlum, Sverre. (2012). The IOC Manual of Sports Injuries: An Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Activity. ResearchGate [Internet]. DOI: 10.1002/9781118467947.ch1
  • Soomro N, Sanders R, Hackett D, Hubka T, Ebrahimi S, Freeston J, et al. The Efficacy of Injury Prevention
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  • Jayanthi NA, LaBella CR, Fischer D, Pasulka J, Dugas LR. Sports-Specialized Intensive Training and the Risk
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  • Fien S, Climstein M, Quilter C, Buckley G, Henwood T, Grigg J, et al. Anthropometric, physical function and
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  • Dix C, Logerstedt D, Arundale A, Snyder-Mackler L. Perceived barriers to implementation of injury prevention
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  • Altavilla G, Di Tore PA, Riela L, D’Isanto T. Anthropometric, physiological and performance aspects that
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  • Mckendry J, Breen L, Shad BJ, Greig CA. Muscle morphology and performance in master athletes: A
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Libros de interés:
  • ACL Injuries in the Female Athlete: Causes, Impacts and Conditioning Program
  • Strength and Conditioning for youth athletes – Science and application
  • Masterful Care of the Aging Athlete: A Clinical Guide
  • Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Integrating Medicine and Science for Performance Solutions
  • Masterful Care of the Aging Athlete: A Clinical Guide