“Reimagining Environments for Connection and Interaction Testing Actions for Social Prescription in Natural Spaces” is the project called RECETAS. It has received funding form the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.,


This project is coordinated by ISGlobal under the leadership of Jill Litt. The international partners of this project are from France, Australia, Ecuador, Austria, Finland, United States and Czech Republic. From UVic-UCC, Laura Coll-Planas  is the leader of the WP4 (Evaluate nature-based social prescribing through Intervention Studies) and in charge of the Clinical Trial in Barcelona. Montse Masó-Aguado coordinates the intervention with the support of Aina Carbó-Cardeña, Laia Briones-Buixassa will conduct the pilot and supervise the intervention during the trial. Sandra Anitua is developing the qualitative evaluation. Javier Jerez- Roig provides global scientific support. FSIE-UAB is in charge of the co-creation, recruitment and data analysis.


The project began in March 2021 and will last until march 2026.  RECETAS aims to test the nature-based social prescribing through scientific methods and evaluations like experimental studies, network analysis, and economic analysis. Citizens and other stakeholders are involved in the co-design of a menu for nature-based social prescription, as well as identifying organizations and resources that could support interventions. The cities where the intervention will be implemented and evaluated are: Helsinki, Prague, Barcelona, Marseille, Melbourne and Cuenca (Ecuador).



The project expects to systematically reduce loneliness by promoting, and keeping vibrant and socially connected local communities. Last, it aims to reduce health inequalities by connecting citizenship with nature in a meaningful form.