Boosting innovation, entrepreneurship and training for PROmoting CONtinence in nursing homes (Nov 2024 – Nov 2027)
PROCON fosters innovation in nursing homes (NHs), specifically in the promotion of modern continence care in NH residents, through cooperation and flow of knowledge among the following actors:
- 4 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (Spain), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and University of Alberta (Canada).
- 2 Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers: Turun Ammatti Instut (Finland), Institut de Vic (Spain).
- 2 healthcare institutions: Consorci Hospitalari de Vic (Spain), Zorg Leuven (Belgium).
- 3 enterprises (inc. 2 technological companies): Byteflies (Belgium), Becton Dickinson Benelux (Belgium), Eurocentro (Italy).
- 1 non-governmental organization: World Federation for Incontinent Patients (Italy).
- 1 affiliated research institution: Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences in Central Catalonia (IRIS-CC)
SIX WORK PACKAGES (WPs) will ensure the fulfilment of objectives:
- WP1 will be in charge of Management, under the coordination of Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.
- WP2 will be dedicated to innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship in healthcare and NHs, by producing 3 outputs:
- a framework of recommendations to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in NHs considering EntreComp
- a new technological solution to enhance continence in NHs
- a multidisciplinary co-created course on innovation and entrepreneurship in healthcare.
- WP3 will enhance new skills and address skill mismatches by co-creating 2 courses for healthcare professionals and students: one on resilience skills and flexible work practices and one on continence care in NHs.
WP4 will conduct a multinational pragmatic study in Spain, Finland, Canada, and Belgium to pilot the PROCON educational programme (WP3 courses) in NHs.
- WP5 will consist of quality assurance and project evaluation. Apart from the Socioeconomic impact, PROCON will specifically impact on Academia (HEIs, VET providers, educators, and students), long-term care (NHs, staff, residents and their relatives) and labour market (technological companies, innovators/entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations).
- WP6 deals with communication, dissemination and exploitation of results. The project aims to reach more than 10,000 people. Virtual communities of practice, a toolkit for continence care will for NH residents and relatives, as well as policy recommendations for continence care in NHs will be co-created through participatory processes.
If you are interested in this project, feel free to contact the Principal Investigator, Javier Jerez-Roig, PhD, via