Boosting innovation, entrepreneurship and training for PROmoting CONtinence in nursing homes (Nov 2024 – Nov 2027)

PROCON fosters innovation in nursing homes (NHs), specifically in the promotion of modern continence care in NH residents, through cooperation and flow of knowledge among the following actors:

  • 4 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (Spain), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and University of Alberta (Canada).


  • 2 Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers: Turun Ammatti Instut (Finland), Institut de Vic (Spain).


  • 2 healthcare institutions: Consorci Hospitalari de Vic (Spain), Zorg Leuven (Belgium).

  • 3 enterprises (inc. 2 technological companies): Byteflies (Belgium), Becton Dickinson Benelux (Belgium), Eurocentro (Italy).


  • 1 non-governmental organization: World Federation for Incontinent Patients (Italy).

  • 1 affiliated research institution: Institute for Research and Innovation in Life and Health Sciences in Central Catalonia (IRIS-CC)


SIX WORK PACKAGES (WPs) will ensure the fulfilment of objectives:
  1. WP1 will be in charge of Management, under the coordination of Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.
  2. WP2 will be dedicated to innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship in healthcare and NHs, by producing 3 outputs:
    1. a framework of recommendations to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in NHs considering EntreComp
    2. a new technological solution to enhance continence in NHs
    3. a multidisciplinary co-created course on innovation and entrepreneurship in healthcare.
  3. WP3 will enhance new skills and address skill mismatches by co-creating 2 courses for healthcare professionals and students: one on resilience skills and flexible work practices and one on continence care in NHs.
  4. WP4 will conduct a multinational pragmatic study in Spain, Finland, Canada, and Belgium to pilot the PROCON educational programme (WP3 courses) in NHs.
  5. WP5 will consist of quality assurance and project evaluation. Apart from the Socioeconomic impact, PROCON will specifically impact on Academia (HEIs, VET providers, educators, and students), long-term care (NHs, staff, residents and their relatives) and labour market (technological companies, innovators/entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations).
  6. WP6 deals with communication, dissemination and exploitation of results. The project aims to reach more than 10,000 people. Virtual communities of practice, a toolkit for continence care will for NH residents and relatives, as well as policy recommendations for continence care in NHs will be co-created through participatory processes.
If you are interested in this project, feel free to contact the Principal Investigator, Javier Jerez-Roig, PhD, via