Nursing lecturer at the Health Sciences Department UVic-UCC from 2006. Nursing Degree coordinator (2014-2017).

PhD Project: Learning at the first contact with death in Nursing Degree placements. A qualitative study.

Master in Inclusive Education (UVic, 2013). Master in active ageing (UVic, 2011). PNL (2007), Master in palliative care (UB 1997), ENB 285 Specialist course in the continuing care of the dying patient and the family (St. Christopher’s hospice, 1991), Nusing degree (UAB, 1986).

Co-author of 14 publications up to 2005. Publications related to the current research:

Gorchs, N. (2011). L’impacte de la mort en estudiants d’infermeria durant el seu primer período de pràctiques. Treball Final de Màster: Envelliment actiu: prevenció i bases per a una atenció integrada. Universitat de Vic. Director: Dr. Ramon Colell (UdLL).

De Vlieger, M., Gorchs, N., Larkin, P., Porchet, F. (2004). Palliative nurse education: towards a common language. Palliative Medicine, 18, 401-3. “Task force” amb  l’ EAPC- European Association for Palliative Care.

Gorchs Font, N., & Espaulella Panicot, J. (1999). Formación de cuidados paliativos en geriatría: “de profesor a facilitador”. Revista española de geriatría y gerontología 34(92), 9253–9258.

Areas of interest: nursing, integrative care, end of life care, team working, cooperative learning, training for teachers, reflexive practice.

