He is a nurse and has a postgraduate degree in surgical nursing from Escoles Universitaries Gimbernat (UAB). He also has a master’s degree in Nursing Management at Universidad Cardenal Herrera (CEU) and is now completing a master’s degree in  human nutrition at Universitat Illes Balears (UIB) and a master’s degree in healthcare direction and management at Universidad de la Rioja (UNIR) 

He is working as a surgical nurse at the Palamós Hospital and is also an associate professor of the Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences of the UVic-UCC in the Nursing Degree.  

He is the coordinator of the Teresina Project, health, sport and environment, together with Arionna López, health promotion program in schools, which includes a theoretical part of awareness, a “plogging” session and subsequent selection of the collected materials, evaluation of understanding.  

For two years he has been working on a project of the UJA, which is entitled “Awareness in environmental sustainability of health personnel and its impact on the environmental impact of health care”, the aim of this study is to estimate the environmental impact of hospital institutions, through impact indicators and to determine the attitudes, knowledge and perception of hospital staff on the environmental impact of their professional practice. It is a multi-centre project, which he coordinates the four participating hospitals in Catalonia: Vic University Hospital, SSIBE- Palamós Hospital, Olot and Garrotxa Regional Hospital and Figueres Hospital. 

He has also carried out a review of the ten years of treatment with Tranexamic Acid in patients with total knee arthroplasty, at the Palamós Hospital.  


  • Charles I, et al. Ácido tranexámico intravenoso en la artroplastia total primaria de rodilla.Med Clin(barc).2013. http//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.medcli.2013.10.015
  • Publicació póster al X Congreso nacional de enfermería quirúrgica, Canalización de catéter venoso guiado por ecografia. Murcia març de 2014. ISBN-10: 84-695-9730-2, ISBN-13: 978-84-695-9730-9
  • Publicació digital póster al XI Congreso nacional de enfermería quirúrgica, Enfermeria en la gestión de recursos materiales del área quirúrgica. Zaragoza de octubre de 2015. ISBN:978-84-606-9890-6