She is a researcher at the Chair of Bioethics of Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. Her main research interests are now qualitative research, cinema studies, TV series, as well as their use as a teaching aid in educational innovation.

She got her Bachelor in Psychology and PhD in Psychology. Her thesis, about the teaching of Bioethics through the medical series House MD, was later turned into a book. For over ten years, she was a researcher and professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. She completed a postdoctoral training at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) where she is Associate professor of Bioethics and member of the Research Group on Health Sciences Education in the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences. She is also part of the Chair in Medical Education of the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya. Nowadays she teaches Bioethics in the Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences and in Medicine at UVic-UCC.

