Óscar Águila Gimeno is a physical therapist. He has completed a Masters in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation at the Fundació Universitària del Bages (Spain), and has been working in this speciality for more than 6 years.

He also has a Master in Translational Research for Physiotherapists from Gimbernat University (Spain). In 2023, he started the research project “Pelvic floor strengthening before radical prostatectomy to reduce post-surgical incontinence” at the Santa Maria Hospital in Lleida. He won the 1st edition of the “Santa Maria does research” award for new researchers with the same project.

Óscar has given 7 oral presentations and 2 posters at national congresses. In addition, he has been working with pelvic floor patients at Santa Maria University Hospital since 2018. He is part of the Pelvic Floor Committee of the same hospital.

He is a PhD Student in Comprehensive Care and Health Services in the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia. Óscar is conducting an Industry PhD funded by AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca), with the KOKU Bladder project (“Keep On Keep Up Bladder Health: co-creating and testing a self-management technological solution for ageing well”).