The EHECADI (EUROPEAN HEALTH CARE FINAL DISSERTATION) is an international  Erasmus + Project from the KA2 modality of Cooperation partnerships in higher education. It aims to develop a digital platform (Knowledge Hub) to share tools for the development of Final Graduate Dissertations oriented to tackling society’s health challenges. This platform will allow the creation of a virtual community of practice, dynamize training courses for the acquisition of transversal skills and make easier practice guides to support the degrees.



The project is led by the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya (Coordinator) along with eight partners which are (Coordinator); Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu OyEuropean University CyprusWaterford Institute Of TechnologyCruz Vermelha PortuguesaFundació TICSalutODISEE and  European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities.


The PhD and member of the Research Group Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory (TR2Lab), Ester Goutan-Roura, is the IP of the Project  started in January 2022 which will last three years. The other research team members are Elisabet Dachs-Cabanas and Marta Otero-Viñas from TR2Lab and other investigators from other UVic-UCC research groups, such as Javier Jerez-Roig from Methodology, Methods, Models and Outcomes of health and social sciences (M3O) and Judit Bort-Roig from the Grup de Recerca en Esport i Activitat Física (GREAF).


This project supports healthcare students from different disciplines (nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and nutrition and dietetics) to address broad societal health issues such as healthcare equity, epidemic preparedness, underinvestment in healthcare workers, health needs of migrant populations among others, through International Final Graduate Dissertations (IFGD). For this reason, five UVic-UCC students who will be in the 3rd year during 2022-23 from the above mentioned degrees in health sciences will actively participate in the project working closely with teachers, researchers, stakeholders, and other national and international students. They will also join several discussion groups (online meetings) to co-design the Knowledge Hub, the Virtual Community of Practice, the Guidelines and the EHECADI Course. They will also travel to Finland in March 2023 as part of the evaluation of the EHECADI Course.