The main expected result is to produce a significantly improved mine effluent to be discharged in water bodies with minimal environmental impact, being in line with the Water Framework Directive and the EU Biodiversity Strategy objectives.

The specific results expected to be obtained at the end of the project are:

– Composition of several abandoned mine wastewaters in different European regions.

– Characterization of the ecological impact of abandoned mine wastewaters on aquatic ecosystems.

– Optimal operational conditions of the METP* determined at bench scale to properly design the pilot scale treatment plant.

– Versatile METP plant to treat mining wastewaters coming from different mining activities.

– Have treated around 10000 mof abandoned mines wastewater (5000 m3 in each site).

– Obtaining a final effluent that could be discharged to the water bodies without any risk and being in line with the current legislation framework.

– Remove >95% of total metals and salts content.

– Significantly increase the biodiversity of water bodies.

– Decrease the environmental impact that current abandoned mine wastewaters are causing across the whole European territory.

– Transfer knowledge acquired in the project to key stakeholders and policy makers.

– It is expected to change the behaviour of several key stakeholders regarding mining effluent treatment (regulators, mining companies).


*Mining Effluent Treatment Process