From 30th June to 5th July 2019, BETA Technological Centre attended at the SEFS11 conference organized by EFFS (European Federation for freshwater Sciences) in Zagreb (Croatia) to present the main results obtained in the LIFE DEMINE project regarding the ecological impact of mining effluents in freshwater ecosystems. Lidia Vendrell, PhD student at BETA Technological Centre, presented how non-treated hypersaline mining effluents impact the biofilm community and its functioning, and how the LIFE DEMINE technology can effectively decrease this impact in water bodies.
This meeting was a good moment to exchange ideas and discuss how ecological sciences can help to deal with the huge environmental transformations induced by human societies. Indeed, the aim of EFFS are the promotion of freshwater sciences throughout Europe, through facilitating improved communication and collaboration among scientists, through the convening of scientific symposia (Symposia for European Freshwater Sciences, or SEFS) and other joint meetings.