Attendance to the LIFE16 Kick-off Meeting in Brussels

The last 17 and 18th of October, BETA Technological Center attended the LIFE16 Kick-off meeting that was organized by EASME and which was held in Brussels.

One of the main objectives of LIFE projects is to contribute to existing policies and legislation. In that sense, one of the sections of the event was devoted to better know what EASME is expecting from each project in this field. The session was opened with two interesting talks given by DG Environment, where they explained which are their main challenges in the most relevant policies related with Water. With these presentations, all projects could better know how to focus their projects to finally obtain policy relevant information.

After this interesting session with DG Environment, we proceed to make a 5 minutes presentation of all the funded projects in the Water topic. This part was also very interesting to better know which other projects will be executed and find possible synergies and common interests.

The session finished with an analysis of EASME about all the projects from two different points of view:

  • How the different projects funded will have an impact on policies? And how is it going to be achieved?
  • How the different projects funded will assure a continuation after the end of the project?

Finally, the Kick-off meeting also aimed to give an overview of the LIFE Programme rules, the interaction with EASME and the role of the external monitoring team in project implementation. Financial and technical issues, as well as project reporting, dissemination and communication matters, were discussed.