Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) at TU Dortmund University
The second Transnational Partners Meeting (TPM) held on July 17-18 at TU Dortmund University. Aimed at enhancing the research and writing processes for the forthcoming project phases.
At the outset of the meeting, the participants engaged in an initial overview of the project’s status to date. The coordinators from the University of Vic, Dr. Gloria García-Romeral and Marina Garcia Castillo, provided an update on the work plan and the tasks ahead. The preparation of the report on innovative methods was discussed in detail. Additionally, Sude Pekşen, from TU Dortmund University presented the results of the successful teacher workshop held on July 1. Further focal points during our first meeting day included the improvement and intensification of public relations work and the development of the evaluation framework for the project.
Furthermore, we had the chance to gain insight into the university’s approach to inclusion. In a presentation by the Division of Disability and Studies (DoBuS) at TU Dortmund University, we observed how the university addresses the needs of disabled and learning-impaired students, as well as initiatives aimed at enhancing inclusion. After concluding our tasks, we ended the evening at a restaurant in the historic industrial district of Dortmund which offered an informal space where the team got to know each other better.
On the second day of the meeting, we commenced with an overview of good practice literature, presented by the project partners from Poland. The objective was to develop a specific literature base on intersectional practice to inform future practical work. We then discussed the student workshop that is currently being prepared by our team from Krakow. We then planned our next steps with regards to publications on the topic of intersectionality in higher education research, as well as our potential participation in conferences and networking with international partners and stakeholders.
The meeting proved to be a resounding success, with all parties agreeing on the necessity of continued collaboration and enthusiasm for the forthcoming challenges.