Project Description

Participating countries Germany and Spain
Participating institutions 
Deggendorf Institute of Technology (European Campus Rottal-Inn -ECRI)
UVic-UCC, Spain (Participating degrees: Multimedia, Applications and Videogames)
Years running  2020-2021
Languages Catalan and English
Goals-To develop a multidisciplinary project between students of Multimedia and HealthCare Informatics.-Two teams of students work and collaborate in designing and implementing a product in an international setup.-Combine project development and user experience design in the same process.
-Project definition made in collaboration within the two teams.-Interviews and surveys exchanged between the teams to understand the needs and goals of the project.-Implementation of the final product (a website), where one team provides content, and the other develops the site.
-Final project presentations (in class and uploading a video)
Carles Bosch: