Strategic Management Programme

(Click here to download the Strategic Management programme)


Conference book available now


09.00 – 10.15h

General Assembly

10.15 – 11.00h

Keynote: Ethical & legal challenges (José-Antonio Seoane)

11.00 – 11.30h

Refreshments and Poster viewing with Authors

11.30 – 13.00h

The added value of COHEHRE collaboration with Eipen, EASPD, and EAIE

André Vyt – President Eipen

Luk Zelderloo – President EASPD

René Teunissen – Chair of the EAIE Expert Community Health and Welfare Education (Moderator: Jennifer Lewis Smith – President of Cohehre)

Eu trends in higher education and research in the health care sector

Kim Bisschop (Rotterdam UAS, Netherlands)

13.00 – 14.00h


14.00 – 16.15h

‘Cohehre and my University: the added value’

(During a 10′ presentation Deans from several Universities share their outcomes, plans and projects to inspire and stimulate further collaboration).


‘The benefits of COHEHRE for Setubal: looking back!’ Madalena Gomes Da Silva

Vice Dean, Setubal – Portugal

‘SCORE, 3id labs and the FAB – project: 3 great projects thanks to COHEHRE’ Jeron Martens

Dean, Arevelde UAS Gent – België

‘Moving forward within Cohehre’ Paola Galbany

Dean, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia

‘Striving for excellence: how we do it within the Cohehre network.’ Karin Sulmann

Vice Dean, Hanzehogeschool – Groningen – Nederland

‘Why we are in’ Gabriëlle Dorneyi

Vice Dean, Semmelweis University – Budapest – Hungary (TBC)

‘Cohehre and the Brexit: greetings from the UK’ Jamie Bird and Guy Collins

University of Derby – UK

‘The Swiss perspective: ideas, plans and expectations’ Andreas Gerber – Grote

Dean, ZHAUW – Zurich – Switzerland

‘The expected benefits of organizing a Cohehre conference’ Jeron Oversier

Dean, Rotterdam UAS – Nederland (TBC)

Conclusions and perspectives for the future

16.15 – 16.45h


16.45 – 17.15h

Wrap-up meeting with the Academy, Research and Internationalisation branches


Social programme according to registration