Submitted full papers must be formatted using the LaTeX template (.zip) of the conference. If the paper is selected for publication in the journal Computers & Graphics, the authors will be asked to format their paper using the C&G format. Short papers and posters must use the template of the conference, but limited to 4 and 1 pages respectively. Papers already published can be submitted in their original format. Finally, submissions in the “PhD thesis in 6 minutes” modality, must deliver a 6 minutes video summarizing the thesis.

Submissions must be made electronically through EasyChair. Please, select the corresponding modality in the submission form.



All articles must have the title and the abstract in English, although the rest of the article and the oral presentation in the conference can be in either Spanish or English. There will be a double-blind peer review process, therefore the submitted manuscript article must avoid all direct or indirect references to its authorship or affiliations.

Full papers must present original theoretical and/or practical research work, as well as application-oriented and experience based research. Maximum length is 10 pages.

Selected high-quality papers will be proposed for publication in a special issue of the journal Computers & Graphics (Elsevier). These articles will have an additional review before final publication in the journal. The selection of these papers will be done by an advisory committee proposed by the program committee chairs. Accepted full papers that are not selected for the journal publication will be included in the official conference proceedings. However, authors may ask for the modality “Summary with presentation” (see detailsbelow).

The conference proceedings will be available as Open Access articles in the Digital Library of Eurographics (EG Digital Libraries) with their respective DOI. The proceedings will be also submitted for indexation to Scopus and Web of Science.


As in previous editions of the conference, authors may decide that their work (title and abstract) appears in the conference program and are presented as any other accepted article, but without inclusion in the conference proceedings. This might be especially useful for work-in-progress articles that authors may want to submit to another conference or journal. Authors will have a presentation session as any other article, and attendants to the session may ask questions or suggest improvements for the final version of the article. Besides, authors benefit from an additional full review process, identical to the review process of other submitted articles. For this modality, authors must submit their manuscript as any other article, indicating that their work should be considered in this modality.


CEIG’22 is a meeting point for the Computer Graphics community in Spain. Therefore, authors of recent published works in other conferences or journals are invited to have a dissemination presentation during the conference. These articles will be included in the conference program and will be presented as any other article, but will not be included in the official conference proceedings. Articles in pdf format have to be sent to stating the corresponding modality.


Short papers will present recent results, ongoing work and new ideas. These articles (of maximum 4 pages) will be published in the official conference proceedings. During the event, the presentations of short papers will have a shorter presentation slot than the full papers. Articles have to be submitted to the EasyChair system, selecting the corresponding modality.

A special call is given to submit also short papers coming from Bachelor Thesis projects or Master Thesis Projects, for contributions related to the conference domain and already defended in 2020/21 or 2021/22. These papers will be included in the conference proceedings unless an explicit request asks otherwise.


Posters submissions consists in a 1 page summary of the poster content. Submissions must be sent to stating the corresponding modality. There are 2 poster categories:

  • Original works: presenting recent results, ongoing work, new ideas and other projects that may be of interest to the community, but are still too speculative, incomplete or lacking enough maturity to become a full or a short paper. They will be presented in a fast forward section to the conference attendees. We make a special call for Bachelor Thesis projects and Master Thesis projects. Presented works should be related to the conference topics. We accept theses already defended in 2020/21 or under development in 2021/2022. There will be a special section for presentation to the attendees. Posters under this category will be included (unless otherwise requested) in a special annex of the conference proceedings but they will not be available in the EG Digital Library.
  • Already published works: presenting already published articles in other conferences or journals in the thematic scope of the conference. The poster will make explicit reference to the original published work originating the poster. The objective is to disseminate and give visibility to these works in the Computer Graphics community in Spain. They will not be included in the conference proceedings but they will have a special section for presentation to the attendees.


Bachelor Thesis Projects and Master Thesis Projects related to the thematic scope of the conference, and defended between 01/01/2021 and 31/12/2021, can be submitted in this modality. A full copy of the work will be submitted as well as a 1 page abstract with a representative image. The selected Master Thesis Project will be published in a special section of the website. The best Bachelor Thesis Project may be presented as short paper and the best Master Thesis Project may be presented as full paper if the authors decide so. Submissions must be sent to within the established deadline.


With the purpose of disseminating the work of both ongoing and successfully defended PhD processes, we will include this year a new track of 6 minutes PhD presentations. The format for the submission will be a 1 page summary (abstract), a representative image, and a 6 minutes video summarizing the thesis. The video will be projected during the event to all attendants. The abstract and the representative image must be sent to stating the corresponding modality.