Sandra Ezquerra is the Director of the UNESCO Chair Women, Development, and Cultures at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya since December 2015. She is also Associate Professor at the School of Health Sciences and Welfare, as well as coordinator of the research group Inclusive Societies, Politics, and Communities, at the same university.

The past several years, her investigations have been focusing on issues related to Feminist Economies and both paid and unpaid care. Her writings and her scientific productions have revolved around the analysis of the existing relationships between economic recessions and the care crisis, and around the potential of both public policy and the community to articulate a new social organization of care.



  • Clara Serra Posted 26/11/2020 18.49

    Buenos días Sandra , soy Clara Serra. Quería hacerte una propuesta de colaboración. No sé si me podrías pasar un mail al que escribirte. Gracias!

    • christelkeller Posted 20/01/2021 16.13

      Hola Clara,

      disculpa la demora, no habíamos visto el mensaje. No sé si ya contactaste con Sandra por otras vías, espero que sí. Sino te paso su correo: sandra.ezquerra@uvic.cat

      Un saludo,

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