Proteinuria and Albuminuria among a Global Primary CVD Prevention Cohort of PWH: Prevalence and Associated Factors

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  • Overton, E. T., Kantor, A., Fitch, K. V., Mosepele, M., Aberg, J. A., Fichtenbaum, C. J., McComsey, G. A., Malvestutto, C., Lu, M. T., Negredo, E., Bernardino, J., Hickman, A. B., Douglas, P. S., Grinspoon, S. K., Zanni, M., Ribaudo, H., Wyatt, C., & for the REPRIEVE Trial Investigators. (2024). Proteinuria and Albuminuria among a Global Primary CVD Prevention Cohort of PWH: Prevalence and Associated Factors. AIDS. (En premsa)

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