Plain language summary of the FOENIX-CCA2 study: Futibatinib for people with advanced bile duct cancer

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  • Goyal, L., Meric-Bernstam, F., Hollebecque, A., Valle, J. W., Morizane, C., Karasic, T. B., Abrams, T. A., Furuse, J., Kelley, R. K., Cassier, P. A., Klümpen, H.-J., Chang, H.-M., Chen, L.-T., Tabernero, J., Oh, D.-Y., Mahipal, A., Moehler, M., Komatsu, Y., Ahn, D. H., … for the FOENIX-CCA2 Study Inv. (2024). Plain language summary of the FOENIX-CCA2 study: Futibatinib for people with advanced bile duct cancer. Future Oncology. (En premsa)

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