The TEOGIC study project: A comprehensive characterization of early onset gastrointestinal cancer in the Northern area of Spain

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  • Vera, R., Castro, N., Labiano, I., Lecumberri, A., Huerta, A. E., Arasanz, H., Caseda, I., Ruiz-Pace, F., Viaplana, C., Arrazubi, V., Hernandez-Garcia, I., Mata, E., Gomez, D., Laguna, S., Suarez, J., Fernandez-de-los-Reyes, I., Rullan, M., Estremera, F., Alonso, V., … Dientsmann, R., Alsina, M. (2024). The TEOGIC study project: A comprehensive characterization of early onset gastrointestinal cancer in the Northern area of Spain. BMC Cancer, 24(1).

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