Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori Treatments According to Antibiotic Resistance

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  • Bujanda, L., Nyssen, O. P., Ramos, J., Bordin, D. S., Tepes, B., Perez-Aisa, A., Pavoni, M., Castro-Fernandez, M., Lerang, F., Leja, M., Rodrigo, L., Rokkas, T., Kupcinskas, J., Jonaitis, L., Shvets, O., Gasbarrini, A., Simsek, H., Phull, P. S., Buzás, G. M., … Puig, Ignasi., … Hp-EuReg Investigators. (2024). Effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori Treatments According to Antibiotic Resistance. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 119(4), 646-654. https://doi.org/10.14309/ajg.0000000000002600

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