Implantation of a double allogeneic human engineered tissue graft on damaged heart: Insights from the PERISCOPE phase I clinical trial

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  • Bayes-Genis, A., Gastelurrutia, P., Monguió-Tortajada, M., Cámara, M. L., Prat-Vidal, C., Cediel, G., Rodríguez-Gómez, L., Teis, A., Revuelta-López, E., Ferrer-Curriu, G., Roura, S., Gálvez-Montón, C., Bisbal, F., Vives, J., Vilarrodona, A., Muñoz-Guijosa, C., & Querol, S. (2024). Implantation of a double allogeneic human engineered tissue graft on damaged heart: Insights from the PERISCOPE phase I clinical trial. eBioMedicine, 102.

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