Melanoma-specific survival is worse in the elderly: A multicentric cohort study

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  • Segura, S., Podlipnik, S., Boada, A., Martí, R. M., Sabat, M., Yélamos, O., Zarzoso-Muñoz, I., Azón-Masoliver, A., López-Castillo, D., Solà, J., Baliu-Piqué, C., Galvany-Rossell, L., Pasquali, P., Just-Sarobé, M., Duran, X., Carrera, C., Richarz, N. A., Pujol, R. M., Malvehy, J., & Puig, S. (2023). Melanoma-specific survival is worse in the elderly: A multicentric cohort study. Melanoma Research, 33(6), 532-538.

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