I was born in Bariloche, a lake district in Patagonia, Argentina. I fascinated by all aquatic ecosystems since I was a little child, being lakes, ponds, rivers; therefore majoring in limnology (the study of continental waters) was just awesome, it was my chance to study those beautiful systems. When I had to decide what kind of Ph.D. I wanted; it was just a natural choice.

Since 2002 and until 2007, I was a CONICET (Argentinean Council of Science) fellow. My Ph.D. and postdoc research focused on the predator-prey relationships in ponds, particularly assessing the role of zooplankton biodiversity, size-structure, spatial heterogeneity and chemical cues.

In 2008, I obtained a permanent position at CONICET as a Research Scientist. My Scientific profile: aquatic ecology with special emphasis in biodiversity, trophic dynamics, and its interactions with climate warming, nutrients dynamics and the terrestrial environment in shallow lakes and ponds. Particularly, I have conducted and led extensive investigations in ponds, natural and pond-like mesocosms, encompassing various aspects of climate change, eutrophication and fish introduction on: primary producers, microbes and the biodiversity and size spectra of zooplankton. For these investigations, I have used a wide variety of lab techniques, including stable isotopes and fatty acids analysis, and statistical skills. I have obtained completive funding to conduct the described investigations from Argentinean and International sources as FONCyT, CONICET, FULBRIGHT, UNESCO-L’ORÉAL, AQUACOSM, among others.

I have done several stays abroad, which I treasure as they have enriched both my scientific career and personal life. For example, 2007: 6 wks. stay at CICOLMA, Mexico (OTS Fellowship), 2007: 2 mos. postdoctoral stay (CONICET fellowship) at Aahus University, Denmark, 2008-2010: 2 yrs. postdoctoral stay at University of Aarhus Denmark (UNESCO-L’ORÉAL fellowship for Young Women in Life Sciences), 2017: 3 mos. stay at the University of Washington, USA (FULBRIGHT fellowship), 2019: 2 mos. stay at University of Aarhus Denmark (AQUACOSM TA 2019).

Since February 2022, I have joined the GEA group at UVIC-UCC. I am doing research and coordination activities within the PONDERFUL project. My research activities are closely related with my expertise: the effect of hydroperiod on the interactions between pond functions, services and biodiversity, and the use of ponds as Nature based solutions.