Marta Otero, director of TR2Lab, gave a talk at the XIII Olimpíada de Biologia (original title) developed at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology.

Last Saturday, the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) once again became one of the five territorial areas of the 2018 edition of the Theoretical Test of the Biological Olympiad of Catalonia (OBC), organized every year by the Catalan Society of Biology with the support of the College of Biologists of Catalonia and the Catalan universities with biosciences studies.

The main objective of the Catalan Biology Olympiad is to stimulate and involve high school students in the development of this science, since it is impossible to understand life, analyze their problems and propose solutions without adequate knowledge of the main biological issues, for example in aspects such as environmental pollution and climate change, biotechnology, the conservation of biodiversity, and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, among many others.

Before diplomas delivery ceremony, Marta Otero gave a talk (original title) “Els fibroblasts dèrmics de ferides cròniques humanes són inesperadament molt actius: un nou paradigma” and presented the TR2Lab’s activity.