MEETING. Xavier Rovira, director of the research line in Molecular Photopharmacology at the TR2Lab, organized a symposium about Photophamarcology within the FEB3+ Meeting in Barcelona. The FEBS3+ Meeting – XL SEBBM CONGRESS 2017 is the Annual Congress of the Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM) which this year will also include the 1st Joint Meeting of the French-Portuguese-Spanish Biochemical and Molecular Biology Societies. The Congress held the initiative to select Symposia based on proposals submitted by members of the organizing societies and promoted Working Groups Meetings between the SFBBM, the SPB and the SEBBM, among other activities.
Within the FEBS3+ Meeting, Xavier Rovira (University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia) organized a symposium about Photopharmacology in which three speakers from France and Spain were invited: Cyril Goudet (Institute of Functional Genomics, Montpellier, France), Pau Gorostiza (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain) and Arnaud Gautier (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, Paris, France).
The congress was an enjoyable experience for all participants and offered the opportunity for fruitful discussions, as well as the possibility to initiate new friendships, collaborations and joint projects.
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