Welcome Natàlia!2024-11-19T10:38:48+01:00

Natàlia Palacio Arronis

Member of research line in Innovation in wound healing

Natàlia Palacio Arronis has a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from the Vic university (UVIC-UCC) and a master’s degree in Biomedicine from the University of Barcelona (UB). Currently Natàlia is a technologist at TR2Lab.


My last happenings:

Oumayma Ghanam presented the results of his final thesis degree at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing

Very proud of the nursing student Oumayma Ghanam Zaidan for the advances in her final thesis degree (TFG, abbreviation from the Catalan language) presented at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 7th, 2024. Title of the poster communication: “Quality of life in people with complex injuries: validation of an assessment scale”(1) · Original title form the poster communication: “La qualitat de vida en les persones amb ferides complexes: validació d’una escala d’avaluació” Ghanam-Zaidan, Oumayma; Casals-Zorita, Marta; Masó-Albareda, Clara; PalacioArronis, Natàlia 1-Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. (UVIC-UCC); 2-Tissue Repair and [...]

June 18, 2024|

Sabrina El Abbassi presented the results of his final thesis degree at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing

Very proud of the nursing student Sabrina El Abbassi Ouaggad for the advances in her final thesis degree (TFG, abbreviation from the Catalan language) presented at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 7th, 2024. Title of the poster communication: “Advanced therapy with autologous skin micrografts in patients with complex wounds”(1) · Original title form the poster communication: “Teràpia avançada amb microempelts cutanis autòlegs en pacients amb ferides complexes” El Abbassi-Ouaggad, Sabirna; Masó-Albareda, Clara; Casals-Zorita, Marta; Palacio-Arronis, Natàlia 1-Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences, University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia (UVIC-UCC); 2-Hospital Foundation Santa Creu de Vic (FHSC-CHV); [...]

June 18, 2024|

Clara Masó Albareda presented a poster communication at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing

Clara Masó, PhD candidate and member of the TR2Lab, presented a poster communication at VIII Workshop on Wound Healing, Vic June 7th, 2024. The title of the poster was “Autologous skin micrografts as a therapeutic tool of pain control in patients with non-revascularizable arterial ulcers. Case study”(1). She presented 4 clinical cases with a diagnosis of peripheral arteriopathy without the possibility of revascularization. Faced with this situation, it was decided to use autologous skin micrografts (ASM) therapy with the main objective of improving pain control. In those clinical cases, the use of ASM has improved pain management, reducing the [...]

June 17, 2024|
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