Marta Ferrer, in early June attended two national conferences (7º Encuentro Nacional de Comisiones de UPP and 9ª Escuela de Verano GNEAUPP, and XXVII Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Vascular y Heridas). These annual referent conferences for nursing allow discussing the latest developments in the field of research on cutaneous wound healing.
During the congress of the 7º Encuentro Nacional de Comisiones de UPP and 9ª Escuela de Verano GNEAUPP, which was held in Hoznayo, Marta Ferrer presented the comunication: “Abordaje de una herida traumatica com hematoma importante” and was co-author of another paper presented at this conference: “Curación de una herida con presencia material osteosíntesis: Factores de Crecimeinto Autólogos”. At the XXVII Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Vascular y Heridas, which was held in castellon, Marta Ferrer presented the comunication “Estrategias para la utilización de la terapia compresiva en una unidad de heridas”, and was co-author of another paper presented at this conference: “Unidad de heridas multidisciplinar: Estrategias para su consolidación”.
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