Noelia De la Torre Rubio

Member of the Research line Histopatological Tissue Analysis

ORCID: 0000-0003-1718-8006

Scientific Profile: URECERCA

Associate Professor in  the Faculty of Medicine  at the  University Internacional of Catalonia (UIC) 

She is an specialist in Pathological Anatomy (2007)  and currently  she works as a  pathologist in Pathology Department at the Althaia Xarxa Assistencial  i Universitària de Manresa. She have extensive  experience in  the diagnosis of  general surgical pathology and alternating in with  care practice in surgical pathology. 

Projecting her experience in diagnostic practice in General Surgical pathology and she pretends to expand and redirect the department of Pathology of Althaia Hospital to initial research in the histopathological tissue analysis, and collaborate transversally in other lines of research. 

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