Gemma Badosa Collell2024-11-19T10:41:06+01:00

Gemma Badosa Collell

Doctoral Fellow in the Research Line Clinical Research on Prevalent Community Diseases

ORCID: 0000-0002-4020-4177

Dra. Badosa is an Internal Medicine Specialist (2004) who is currently working as a physician at Hospital de Olot ( Girona). She is developing her PhD ( doctoral thesis) in Medicine at the Universitat de Vic on fragility and femur fracture. She is also Master in Paliative Care by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2008). 

My last happenings:

Gemma Badosa joins TR2Lab

Proud to incorporate Gemma Badosa as a new predoctoral fellow of the TR2Lab. Welcome, Gemma Badosa Collell, who joins the research line of Clinical research on prevalent community diseases of the TR2Lab for developing her thesis project on fragility and femur fracture in the doctoral program of medicine and biomedical sciences at UVic-UCC under the supervision of Dr. Joan Carles Trullàs. Check out her bio.

March 11, 2021|
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