Eduard Kanterewicz Binstock2024-11-20T12:20:47+01:00

Eduard Kanterewicz Binstock

Coordinator of the Bone and muscle fragility research line in the TR2Lab

ORCID: 0000-0001-9120-6079

Scientific Profile: URECERCA

Associate Professor of Medical Pathology at Faculty of Health Sciences and Welfare of the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia.

Kanterewicz has extensive experience in clinical research in the field of osteoporosis accrediated by more than 30 publications as a coauthor. His doctoral thesis was focus on the clinic and epidemiological relationships between Colles fracture and generalized osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, including densitometric vertebral morphometric studies. His research in the area of ​​osteoporosis continued in 1997 with a FIS grant for the study of calcitonin prescriptions in osteoporosis. In 2005 he obtained a grant from FIS scholarship to form the cohort Frodos, designed to study osteoporosis risk factors in 2,900 postmenopausal women. In 2010 a new grant was achieved to perform the follow up study of this cohort. The current lines of research are based in these two previous studies. Currently, he is supervising two theses focused on aspects of bone fragility.

Eduard Kanterewicz coordinated the area of ​​osteoporosis of the advisory board of the Master Plan for Rheumatic Diseases in the Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia (2008-2010). Additionally, in October 2015 he organized the “I Symposium on Population Studies of osteoporosis Country

My last happenings:

Proud of TR2Lab health care professionals who are fighting this covid-19 outbreak

The nurses and physicians of TR2Lab are doing a great effort in the Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic, in the Hospital Universitari de Vic, in the Hospital d’Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa. Also, some of them are involved in the Coronavirus study led by the Oriol Mitjà at the Germans Trias i Pujol hospital in Badalona. We want to give encouragement and thanks to all of the TR2Lab members that are working hard these days in the fight against COVID-19. THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your bravery and commitment to caring for people. You [...]

April 1, 2020|
  • Beca Consultori Bayés

Laura Redondo Parejo was awarded with a prize-grant to suport the development of his doctoral thesis about Trabecular Bone Score and osteoporosis

GRANT. Project information. Last Friday, within the annual meeting of the Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona - Delegació Osona, Laura Redondo, TR2Lab Ph.D. student, was awarded the Grant "Beca Consultori Bayés", instituted to support her doctoral thesis project. This project focused on defining the features of Trabecular Bone Score, a new technique applied to the bone mineral density scans that is aimed to improve the quantitative results by providing a qualitative approach. The study is based on a previous cohort study comprising more than 2,500 postmenopausal women. Principal Investigator: Laura Redondo Research Team: MD. Ph.D. Eduardo Kanterewicz (thesis supervisor). Funded [...]

September 30, 2019|
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