Carlos Peñas Juárez2024-11-19T10:40:38+01:00

Carlos Peñas Juárez

Doctoral Fellow in the Research Line Research Line Mechanisms for tissue repair and regeneration

ORCID: 0000-0001-9805-9999

Scientific Profile: URECERCA

Carlos Peñas Juárez is a vascular surgeon who develops his activity at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Manresa (Althaia). He is also a professor of vascular ultrasound courses aimed at primary care physicians and emergency physicians organized by Camfic. 

He started his surgical training in the vascular surgery unit of the Parc Tauli Hospital in Sabadell (2008-2013). After that, he worked in different hospitals, both public and private, until his arrival at the Hospital de Manresa in November 2015. He has focused his professional activity on the treatment of chronic limb ischemia (open and endovascular revascularizing surgery) and venous insufficiency (varicose surgery). He obtained research sufficiency from the Autònoma University of Barcelona (UAB) in October 2011 and is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Vic (UVic).

My last happenings:

Carlos Peñas joins TR2Lab

Proud to incorporate Carlos Peñas as a new predoctoral fellow of the TR2Lab. Welcome, Carlos Peñas Juárez, who joins the research line of Mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration of the TR2Lab for developing his thesis project on the role of cutaneous microvascularization in ischemic lesions of patients with peripheral arteriopathy in the doctoral program of medicine and biomedical sciences at UVic-UCC under the supervision of Dr. Elisabet Sarri Plans. Check out his bio.

March 19, 2021|
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