Anna Torné Coromina
Doctoral Fellow in the Research line Health conditions and tissue regeneration
Email: atorne@cst.cat
ORCID: 0000-0002-8977-1770
Scientific Profile: U-RECERCA
Anna Torné is doctor on Consorci Hospitalari de Vic.
MD. Torné is currently working on her thesis project in the doctoral program of comprehensive care and health services at UVic-UCC. Her thesis project is focus on the study of fragility and health outcomes.
Anna Torné was has hold several clinical positions as a doctor on the Emergency unit at the Hospital Universitari de Vic, physician community at EAP Tona, and as a doctor at the Intermediate care unit of University Hospital Santa Creu de Vic. She is degree in Medicine from the University of Barcelona – Hospital (2005), specialist in Family and Community Medicine, trained at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona and EAP Gothic (2010), and Specialist Geriatric formed University Hospital of Vic (HUV) – Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic (HSC) (2015).
My last happenings:
Ester Goutan has participated as part of the defense of Anna Torne’s doctoral thesis
This last week, Ester Goutan, coordinator of the Health conditions and tissue regeneration research line, has been part of the defense of Anna Torné's doctoral thesis, which has been developing a project that focuses on the study of fragility, and the results of health. Anna has participated in TR2Lab as a doctoral Fellow in the Research line of Health conditions and tissue regeneration, also, She had held several clinical positions as a doctor in the Emergency unit at the Hospital Universitari de Vic, physician community at EAP Tona, and as a doctor at the Intermediate care unit of University [...]
Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility of the Frail-VIG Index
ARTICLE. Torné A, Puigoriol E, Zabaleta-del-Olmo E , Zamora-Sánchez JJ, Santaeugènia S, Amblàs-Novellas J. Reliability, Validity, and Feasibility of the Frail-VIG Index. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 May 13;18(10):5187. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18105187. Abstract. The study aimed to assess the reliability of the scores, evidence of validity, and feasibility of the Frail-VIG index. A validation study mixing hospitalized and community-dwelling older people was designed. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess the inter-rater agreement and the reliability. The construct validity of the Frail-VIG index with respect to the Frailty Phenotype (FP) was evaluated by calculating the area under the [...]
Anna Torné and Mariona Espaulella new mentors on the Geriatrics specialty training program
Congrats Anna Torné and Mariona Espaulella, Ph.D. candidates of TR2Lab, for being selected as new medical mentors of the geriatric resident program at the Consorci Hospitalari de Vic and Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu de Vic. Good luck with this new responsibility!